Savannah du Quercy(you can see her work via --> insta: @savannahduquercy web:
I am excited by Savannahs use of everyday materials. Personally, I have always used cardboard to make structures for sculptures but the way in which she uses it elevates it, making it come across as delicate and giving it a greater importance. Combined with imagery it really packs a punch.
I am really into the use of D.I.Y materials in your work. Do you think using materials that are easily accessible affects how your work is received?
Yes definitely. I have always been drawn to taking photographs of my surroundings with a particular interest in overlooked surfaces, patterns and structures. My current photographic archive is made up of around 3000 images so when I began working sculpturally it felt like a very natural transition to start using the materials that I was inherently drawn to. I'm interested in using the stuff around us and embedding meaning to materials like cardboard, cement, staples, photographs and enabling the viewer to experience and reevaluate these materials in a different context.
I choose my materials to aid the conceptual fluency of the work. So for example cardboard is often paired with my photographs to reference my itinerant upbringing between the Middle East and Europe as well as expediency, transience.
When I look at your work I don’t focus on the materials used I find I am focusing on the structures, colours and patterns. Can you tell us more about this and did you fall into using materials like cardboard or is it something you made a decision about?
I'm drawn to using geometry, repetition, and seriality in a lot of my work. This is influenced by the architecture I grew up around in the Middle East where pattern and repetition are used extensively . A lot of my work recently aims to portray a cross-cultural visual language referencing Middle Eastern ornament imbued with my own experiences of Europe and the Middle East. As for Colour it is a big part of my work. I used to paint before making sculptures so I'm drawn to colour and the way it can be used and embraced in my sculptural output. Using Cardboard came about very organically, it's a material I've had to handle a lot throughout my life because I have moved so many times but it is also a material that is extremely resilient, flexible and forgiving and there is something about those qualities that really interests me sculpturally.